The most expensive wood in the world: This wood is even more expensive than sandalwood, a luxury car can be bought for 1 kg, soldiers were deployed to save it

The most expensive wood in the world: This wood is even more expensive than sandalwood, a luxury car can be bought for 1 kg, soldiers were deployed to save it.
  • African blackwood wood is the most expensive wood in the world. A kilo of wood sells for Rs 7 lakh.
  • A kilo of wood sells for Rs 7 lakh
Smuggling of African bluewood also increases due to its high cost
If we talk about wood, we have considered sandalwood wood to be the most expensive so far. Which sells for 5 to 6 thousand rupees per kg. In such a situation, if you find out that there is wood in the world that is more expensive than gold, you too will be amazed. Today we are going to tell you about the wood that is sold so expensive.

The most expensive wood in the world is African blackwood
The wood we are talking about is called African Blackwood. This wood is considered to be one of the most valuable materials present on earth. It is also the most expensive wood in the world. This rare wood is found in 26 countries in Central and South Africa.

A kilo of wood sells for Rs 7 lakh
This rare wood African blackwood costs 8 thousand pounds or 7 lakh rupees. That means at this wooden price you can buy a luxury car or go on an international tour.

The reason African blackwood is expensive is its rarity
The reason African blackwood is expensive is because of its rarity. This tree takes more than 60 years to prepare. African blackwood trees are found in the arid regions of Africa from Senegal East to Eritrea and in the northeastern parts of South Africa. Its height is 25-40 feet. It is more common in dry areas. Therefore, the number of these trees is limited and the price is constantly increasing due to high demand.


Used in making musical instruments
Musical instruments such as flute, flute, guitar are mostly made from African blackwood wood. Apart from that strong and durable furniture is also made from this wood. So its furniture is also expensive. Which is why the average person can't buy it. However, rich people use this wood in furniture to make their home stylish.
Its number is declining as it is being cut illegally
Smuggling of African bluewood also increases due to its high cost. Smugglers cut down these trees before they are ready. Like the sandalwood tree, it is constantly being cut down illegally and the number of these trees is now very low due to smuggling. Which has brought this tree into the category of rarity. According to media reports, in countries like Kenya and Tanzania, trees are cut down prematurely due to illegal smuggling of timber. This has led to a significant reduction in the number of blackwoods, so they are rarely found. Troops have now been deployed in the forests to save African blackwood in these countries.


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